Efficient fertilizers and fertilization methods have become the main answer to the ever-growing demand for farm produce. Crop yield and economy of cultivation are influenced by several factors; efficient uptake of nutrients from soil and as result higher nutrient use efficiency being one of the most important among them. Modern agriculture must supply crops with optimal rates of nutrients throughout the growth cycle in the most efficient manner possible, and without degrading soil and water resources. Fertigation and foliar nutrition enable highly efficient use of nutrients. For Intensive High Yield & Quality Crop Production through “FOLIAR SPRAY & FERTIGATION“is the best answer.
Being readily soluble in water, Water soluble fertilizers (WSF) achieve this by releasing essential plant nutrients at the root zone & foliage in well balanced proportion from where they are readily absorbed and used elsewhere in the plant system.
Greenosol 100% Water Soluble Fertilizers will surely increase yield & quality of produce