Packing Available 1kg, 1/5/20lit

Azatobacter are coloured inclusion bodies (gram negative rods), free living, polymorphic, non symbiotic, aerobic diazotrophs, nitrogen fixing bacteria. The Azotobacter chroococcum was discovered in 1901 by Dutch microbiologist and botanist Martinus Beijerinck. Azotobacter vinelendii, was discovered and described in 1903 by the Russian scientist Jacob Lipman at Rutgers University. Nitrogen cannot be absorbed by the plants owing to the strong triple bonds between the nitrogen atoms making it inert and therefore non assimable by plants. Nitrogen fixation needs a large amount of energy in the form of ATP and an anaerobic environment (no oxygen environment). Thus Azotobacter develops a special defence mechanism against oxygen by intensifying its metabolism that reduces the oxygen concentration in its cells. Homocitrate ions play some role in the processes of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF). Nitrogenase is an important enzyme used to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium / nitrate ions which get fixed in soil and can be absorbed by the plants. The basic type is molybdenum-iron nitrogenase. Azotobacter synthesizes some biologically active substances including some phytohormones and vitamins thereby stimulating plant growth.
It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen 22-40 kgs per hectare. Reduce dosage requirement of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers. They also facilitate the mobility of heavy metals in the soil and thus enhance bioremediation of soil from heavy metals, such as cadmium, mercury and lead.
Crops: Cereals, Cotton, Oilseeds, Vegetables, Fruit crops, Plantation crops etc.
Seed Treatment – Mix 1/2kg jaggary solution in 1 lit of Nitrazo and mix the seeds required for an acre
Note: Do not store treated / coated seeds more than 24 hrs
Seedling treatment: Mix 100 ml. of Nitrazo with sufficient quantity of water and organic manure to form slurry. The seedlings are dipped in this slurry for 30 minutes prior to planting so that the bacteria get attached to the roots.
Soil Treatment – Apply 3-5 lit. of Nitrazo in 50kg well decomposed Fym/compost/vermi compost/field soil thoroughly and broadcast in the field before sowing/planting or in the standing crop.
Drip Irrigation: Mix Nitrazo 1lit/acre in 100 lit of lit and irrigate the field through drip
suitable for application on Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops , Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals.
Cfu/ml – 1x 1010